Sunday, June 21, 2009

A city of music and coffee.

I'll be leaving for Seattle in about 45 hours. During my trip I'm going to try to post my adventures here on this new blog. Unfortunately, I can't seem to type anything but the title of a post on my fancy new iPod touch, so I'll have to find a way to post things here using my fancy new iPod (It's called Count Blount) It can't be too difficult, there are so many applications I can download, one is bound to be blogspot affiliated. I don't think I should take my new computer on a plane to a city across the country. [insert joke about airlines losing luggage here.] I'm going to try and post everything I do here. Now, I could use twitter, but how many people actually have twitter. And you can't go very in depth on twitter. I'm sure I'll be able to post about my trip, I just need Wi-fi. Where would I find Wi-fi in the Starbucks capital of the world?

Answer: Probably anywhere.

Also, my twitter is simply "jakescheidel" you should probably follow me.

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